Salt Lake REALTOR®

The Salt Lake REALTOR® is the official publication for the Salt Lake Board of REALTORS.® The magazine is published monthly and is distributed to all licensed REALTORS® in the Salt Lake Valley, as well as various real estate related businesses in the area. The purpose of the magazine is to inform REALTORS® and their associates of current marketing happenings, encourage and support affirmative action in the local marketplace, and provide education about trends in real estate.

Salt Lake REALTOR® 2025 Information

IssueEditorial Theme
JanuaryMeet 2022 Salt Lake Board President Steve Perry 2022 Salt Lake Housing Forecast Report
FebruaryRealtor 500 Awards
MarchRPAC Top Investors issue
AprilDrought and housing. Do we have enough water?
MayFirst quarter Wasatch Front home sales
JuneNew home prices and starts
JulyParade of Homes
AugustSalt Lake home sales/prices first six months of 2022
SeptemberStill a seller’s market?
OctoberProfessionalism and the Code of Ethics
NovemberThird quarter Wasatch Front home sales
DecemberRealtor Service Awards issue
Editorial subject to change
Circulation: 10,000 per issue average.
File Ready: 25th of the month prior to publication/issue.
Note: All dates falling on weekends will be moved to the following Monday. All Holidays (November, December) please have ads in, on week prior.


3300 South 772 East
Suite 200
Salt Lake City, UT 84106